Planned posts, in no particular order.
Dispatch I

Organizing my thoughts on dispatch.

Parsing via chains of tree-transducers

An intuitive, powerful and extensible way of implementing infix operators and other language features.

Soft requirements

Part of the design and specification of a programming language should include soft requirements, that pertain to the availability of certain features which are not necessarily related with the syntax or semantics of the language. For instance, the availability of programming tools with certain capabilities.

Static Dispatch I

Why static dispatch should be part of any extensible, statically typed programming language, and why it should still be possible to easily circumvent.

Semantic analysis I

The correct way of manipulating the program tree to do semantic analysis and macro expansion should create some kind of history so the programmer can understand what happened to the code at compile-time. Somethign to play a similar role as Lisp’s macroexpand-1, but more thorough and complete.